SFPC: Day 38 - Arduino with Caitlin

Arduino class with Caitlin Morris today. Ruby, Bryan, and I made some p decent guac. Hung out with Shantell Martin. Did client work. Good day.


Morning Walk

A tree grows in Brooklyn

bk tree

Arduino Basics Class

Caitlin opened the class by showing some of her work.

First, she showed us her piece Sway, an audio-reactive installation.

Sway from Caitlin Morris on Vimeo.

I also liked this piece, “Constructive Interference” - didn’t know you could laser cut steel. They did it through a fabricator in Virginia who mainly does horse stables. Super cool :D

Constructive Interference, 2016 from PLEBIAN DESIGN on Vimeo.


Her “Diffusion Choir” piece at MIT is really quite good as well.

Diffusion Choir from Sosolimited on Vimeo.

Also check out her work with design firm hypersonic, where she is one of four founding members.

Che Bello Arduino!

Excited to be doing Arduino stuff. I enjoyed Phil Stearns’ DIY electronics class but it was way, way over my head.

We spent the first part of Caitlin’s class discussing the parts and pin outs on an Arduino board, as well as creating and wiring some basic blinking LED sketches.

You can see class notes here.

Fun Fact: “a logic waterfall” describes syncing a bunch of arduinos through their digital pins to share a logic system, but not electrical power. i just like the sound of that term - logic waterfall

Caitlin on sensors and Arduino:

“…there’s all this information in the world - you start to feel like a superhero sometimes. we’re good at sensing some things and not so much at others.”

We also talked about places to buy cheap parts. never heard of mouser. sounds cheap and good.

After class we made guac. It was real, real good. Jack White’s recipe. Would like to make it a weekly thing, this making of guac. Even tho we only have 4 more weeks of school left :(

guac guac guac

Then we hung out in the kitchen with visiting artist Shantell Martin. Check out her work here:

Shantell Martin: Follow the Pen from NewYorker on Vimeo.

She was recently a resident at the Autodesk Pier 9 residency. Her instructables page looks p rad:



I’m missing Patricio’s shaders workshop tonight to work on client work. Boo. Learning about shaders is a lot more fun than editing video on a deadline. Hopefully I will have some time this week to have a look at class notes and do some work on my own. There’s always the Book of Shaders


Breakfast: Bacon, chz, egg sandwich from D’Agostino Market.

Also, Mrs. Green’s, our other grocery store, is officially closed. Kind of nonplussed about it. They were the fancier, more expensive brother to our beloved D’Ag. So expensive! but had THE BEST cheese danishes. Mrs. Green’s, I suppose you will be missed, at least a little bit.

For Lunch:

Guacamole! Leftover chicken. Ruby shared some prosciutto and salami. Made a bunch of rice, didn’t eat it, saved it. I have to remember to eat all of the food I have stored here.

For Dinner: Making carrot ginger soup. Been fighting a cold.

Class audio recording here